Secure Code Warrior
We make increasing a developer's secure coding skills a positive and engaging experience. That makes us the developer-chosen solution. We are successful because we take that human-led approach with our Learning Platform, providing positive skills-based pathways for developers in the language:framework of their choice.
We also recognize that timely and relevant security knowledge for developers is essential to the success of DevSecOps, and our Developer Tools and Integrations enable you to provide your development and security teams with contextual and hyper-relevant learning within their preferred workflow, empowering them to not just find vulnerabilities, but gain the knowledge and skills to fix them - preventing them from occurring in the first place.
Founded in 2015
>200 employees - to the team
Place of business in United Kingdom
Provider on the cloudogu platform since 2021

Secure Code Warrior on the platform:
There are currently no training offers.