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Easy Redmine Training

Introduction to project management with Easy Redmine

  • In-house

  • Online, In-person

  • Administrators, Project Manager

  • Easy Redmine beginner

  • 2 days

  • German

  • from 1780€ plus VAT

About this training

Easy Redmine is ideal for managing a wide variety of projects, if the project participants can use the tool effectively. This course teaches the necessary basics to be able to create and edit projects in Easy Redmine. The course participants will learn by concrete examples how the main data of each project such as content, schedule, budget, quality and risks are mapped and efficiently communicated within the project team

In the process, the following questions, among others, are answered

  • How are projects of various types mapped in Easy Redmine?
  • How do you use standard project management tools like Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) or Gantt Chart?
  • How do I get a good overview of the criticality and state of the project at all times?
  • How can I easily put together any dashboards I want?
  • As a project manager:in, how do I communicate with my team via Easy Redmine?
  • How are responsibilities and competencies configured securely?
  • How to export relevant data easily?


Required knowledge

If you have first experiences in project management and are open for new methods or approaches, you are well qualified for these trainings.

Technical requirements

For our online trainings all participants need ...

  • a computer with Internet access.
  • a stable Internet connection.
  • an updated browser, preferably Chrome.

Course of the training days


  • What characterizes a project (content (scope), cost, timeline, quality, risks)
  • Processes/recurring activities in the project
  • Creation of Work Breakdown Structure (maps scope)
  • Scheduling (Gantt)
  • Planning cycles, sprints, iterations, sprint planning, backlogs, baselines
  • Budget planning, controlling
  • Error management
  • Continuous risk monitoring/risk management
  • Project management with Easy Redmine, setting up and planning a project life cycle in Easy Redmine
  • Login, user management, roles and permission management
  • Create new project, select modules (WBS, Gantt, Tasks, ...), discuss parameters
  • Project hierarchy, programs
  • Project templates
  • Content: Create WBS
  • Timeline: Milestones, Gantt, resource planning
  • Scrum board, sprint planning
  • Budget planning: Planned income and expenditures, Project Cash Flow


  • Project management with Easy Redmine, implementation of the project and project controlling
  • Task management: Assignment, tracker, workflows, mapping in Scrum board, burndown charts, daily communication about tasks
  • Quality: Test management, acceptances, quality assurance measures (depending on the project), error management
  • Mapping of project risks
  • Project controlling: Setting up dashboards and statistics, graphs, resource allocation, budget consumption, milestone compliance
  • Project closure, evaluation
  • Project documentation
  • Data export (pdf, xlsx, csv)
  • Summary, questions, experiences from project management at mm-lab

Additional modules

We support you every step of the way – from advice to implementation:

Additional trainer day

We answer your individual questions and deepen or expand topics.

Additional day


You need individual support? We will assist you!

Additional day
Price upon request

Extended access to the training infrastructure

You will get access to the training infrastructure for in-depth practice beyond the training.


Video recording (only for online training)

Revisit the contents at your own pace with the recording of your training.


Your trainer

We reserve the right to change the trainer

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Upcoming trainings

2 Days2 Days
from 1780€ plus VATfrom 1780€ plus VAT
  • Early bird
  • Guarantee
  • Last minute

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Frauke Kirchhof

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